

Software Engineer
Designing my TypeScript useReducer

Feb 01, 2021

In this article we'll go over how I design my application state in a TypeScript & React app using useReducer hook & Context API. I use this…

Fancies and Arrays

Jun 10, 2020

In this article we'll go thro some array functions and then on-to some stuff which I consider fancy stuff. Jump to fancy stuff Arrays Let'…

Draft pull requests

May 10, 2020

I believe in making small pull requests and they can be either of features, bug fixes, changes/updates and improvements. I've always felt t…

Typescript discriminator

Apr 10, 2020

Very often we have use-cases where we would like to use a single type Union Type but still be sure about the properties inside them. But …

Regular Expressions

Feb 20, 2020

Everyone has used regular expressions sometime of life to check validation of strings or you know capture a particular group of text you m…

Simple countdown timer

Apr 24, 2019

I was recently trying to make a simple countdown timer which counts from a specific time-interval and “finishes” itself. I just found it am…

One liner chats?

Jan 10, 2019

The entire world is hooked on messaging and being connected digitally. Our world revolves around notifications and checking them or needing…